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Showing posts from February, 2009

The Key to Succesful Library Parties ...

... is to do something for the kids. Today CRPL is having the grand opening celebration for our Bridge Facility (it's bridging the time between the devastating June 2008 flood and the day when we're able to move back downtown, whether that's in our old building or a new one), and we are being overrun (in a very good way) with little children. We're hosting 4 programs with Clifford and Iowa Public Television's Dan Wardell (our children's librarians describe him as a preschooler's rock star). I was walking around after the first program got out and I can't believe they fit all those kids and parents into the programming space. Following the first Clifford and Dan Wardell show there was a big ribbon cutting ceremony and announcement of a generous gift from Archer Daniels Midland (their headquarters are in town). Of course there were refreshments. Then there will be more Clifford and Dan Wardell all afternoon. So far, the Grand Opening has been a s...

Day 0.5 in the Life of a Librarian

This summer I tried to resurrect this blog with a fun little game that was going around library blogs at the time. For one week librarians would detail what they did every day at work. Ever since the flooding that displaced us last June, anyone at my library doing that project would have been interesting reading. Unfortunately, things were so crazy and busy that I couldn't finish the first week I started. I have a feeling that this week will pose similar challenges, but it's an exciting week, definitely one worth recording. After spending the last six months crammed into a handful of small mall storefronts, we're moving into a significantly larger space in the mall, what used to be an Osco drug store. Finally, we will have room to take more of the donations our patrons have been dying to give us. Finally, the youth and adult collections will be in the same room. Finally, we'll get a real break room where more than one person can take a break at a time. Finally...