For Banned Books Week we put up a nice display of the books we owned that have been popular targets for challenges. It was nice, but I didn't really think much about it since I've been in this profession long enough that I could put together that list of titles in my sleep. However, I was leading a tour through the library and one of the students brought the title Charlotte's Web to my attention, and asked why in the world a beloved children's book like that had been banned. This is where I have to add that as someone who grew up on a hog farm, I got really tired of people asking me if I ever had a pet pig like Wilbur (the answer is no), but I still wore out my parents' VHS copy of the movie based on the book. I told the student I wasn't sure why it was banned, but guessed that it probably had something to do with talking animals. Only later did I discover I just how horribly right I was . Last year I wrote about how I was a little burned out on ...
A relocated librarian tries to make sense of information overload