Since I started my new job I really haven't had much time to post here, which is funny, because I've been doing so much learning and growing and thinking about librarianship as I fit into my new role that I could write almost endlessly, but that's also probably why I haven't had any time to get my thoughts in order. Anyway, to keep the old blog going, I thought I'd do one of these old-school survey things that I found over at A Patchwork of Books (and it looks like she got the idea from The Perpetual Page Turner, who looks like someone I should also be following, but really, am I even able to pay that much attention to the people I already follow?) .
Author you've read the most books from:
sheer number is probably Ann M. Martin, since I read most of the over 100 Babysitter's Club books back in the day. I am well aware that you can skip Chapter 2.
Best sequel ever:
I tend to think of books in a series as all stuck together, so it's really hard for me to think of any sequels separate from the books that preceded them (or followed them).
Currently Reading:
World War Z by Max Brooks on audio and about 5 books in print, including Minimalist Parenting, which seems good and Theodore Rex by Edmund Morris, which seems excellent so far
Drink of Choice While Reading:
I've become sort of obsessed with coffee lately, now that I've discovered milk and sugar make it a whole new ballgame
E-Reader or Physical Book:
Neither. I have a bit of a commute, so I get through way more audiobooks than any other format.
Fictional Character You Probably Would Have Actually Dated in High School:
This could be a long list since I read a lot of romance, but, like most people in high school, I was kind of a mess when it came to the opposite sex, so there's probably a gap between the boys I wanted to date and the boys I actually would date. Probably highest on my fictional characters crush list in high school were Gilbert Blythe and Teddy Kent (I was all about L.M. Montgomery back then). I also went through my Wuthering Heights phase where I definitely had a thing for bad boys like Heathcliff.
Glad You Gave This Book a Chance:
an ARC, I think I got through Library Thing (which I have to say are usually not great), for The Uninvited by Tim Wynne-Jones, which ended up being so scary good and is definitely on my long list of all-time favorites
Hidden Gem of a Book:
Queen Victoria, Demon Hunter by A. E. Moorat - doesn't get nearly as much press as Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, but I think I liked it even more
Important Moment in Your Reading Life:
When my 2nd grade teacher borrowed the second book in a series I had loved from her public library when she saw how disappointed I was that our school library didn't have it. Suddenly I realized that I could search out the books I wanted to read instead of reading whatever happened to be around.
Just Finished:
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon - it was fantastic!
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon - it was fantastic!
Kinds of Books You Won't Read:
I don't read many super macho books, super long fantasy, or mysteries of any kind
Longest Book You've Read:
according to GoodReads, it's David Copperfield by Charles Dickens, although I did it on audio, so it didn't seem that long
Major Book Hangover because of:
The End of the Affair by Graham Greene - one of those beautifully written stories about a horribly depressing situation. That and 1984 both left me in a funk where I couldn't quite believe in the goodness of humanity for awhile after finishing them.
Number of Bookcases You Own:
Currently, 3 big ones (although one is storing other things than books) and 1 small one, but that's after a lot of downsizing the past few years, and we still have several boxes of books in storage.
One Book You Have Read Multiple Times:
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy (although the subsequent read-throughs have been audio)
Preferred Place to Read:
Quote that inspires you/gives you all the feels from a book you've read:
I'm really terrible with quotes.
Reading Regret:
I'm willing to finish just about anything, so I've spent an awful lot of time on terrible books, when I probably should have just given up and moved on to something better.
Series You Need to Finish (all the books are out in the series):
I know it's still being written, but my husband will give me no peace until I get caught up on The Dresden Files. However, I find them too depressing to read all at once, so I'm only about 5 books in so far.
Three of Your All-time Favorite Books:
The Blue Castle by L. M. Montgomery (one of her few books written for adults, and her best, in my opinion), Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser, Ragtime by E. L. Doctorow
Unapologetic Fangirl for:
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
Very Excited for This Release More Than All the Others:
Right now I guess it's the next Daughter of Smoke and Bone book.
Worst Bookish Habit:
I take a book with me everywhere, so my books tend to get really beat up, and I'm pretty nonchalant about it, which most people are shocked to learn is the habit of a librarian. I actually got in a fight with my best friend in middle school because we'd swapped a bunch of books and what I thought was a minor crease on the cover of one, turned out to be a deal breaker for her, and even though we both read voraciously and are still friends to this day, we don't borrow each other's books anymore.
X Marks the Spot: Start at the top left of your bookshelves and pick the 27th book:
The Average American Male by Chad Kultgen
Your Latest Book Purchase:
Theodore Rex by Edmund Morris
ZZZ-snatcher Book (last book that kept you up WAY late):
Dawn of the Dreadfuls (prequel to Pride and Prejudice and Zombies)