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2021 Reading Resolutions

My 2021 Book Challenge on Goodreads

Yet again, I'm going for 100 books. I'm choosing to be optimistic about 2021 being less of a dumpster fire than 2020, or at the very least, I figured out that I can fly through romances even when the world is burning down around me.

Total Books Read: 106 of 100

I'm going back to finishing 10 books that I own. 2020 has given me a serious case of chasing shiny new things, so I really haven't been in the mood to read stuff I own.

Books I Own Read: 12 of 10
  1. Elijah: Faith and Fire by Priscilla Shirer
  2. Tabby in the Tub by Ben M. Baglio
  3. Now That Faith Has Come: A Study of Galatians by Beth Moore and Melissa Moore
  4. We Are Water Protectors by Carole Lindstrom
  5. No Reading Allowed: The WORST Read-Aloud Book Ever by Raj Haldar
  6. Get Out of Your Head Study Guide: A Study in Philippians by Jennie Allen
  7. A Rhythm of Prayer: A Collection of Meditations for Renewal by Sarah Bessey
  8. Love Does Study Guide: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World by Bob Goff
  9. A Pizza With Everything On It by Kyle Scheele
  10. Klawde, Evil Alien Warlord Cat by Johnny Marciano
  11. With Us in the Wilderness: A Study of Numbers by Lauren Chandler
  12. Truthfilled by Ruth Chou Simons
Let's go with the goal of finishing 5 series.

Total Series Read/Caught Up On: 5 of 5
  1. Court of Thorns and Roses Series by Sarah J. Maas (release date for #5 TBD)
  2. Old West Series by Beverly Jenkins
  3. Age Matters by Enjelicious
  4. My Hero Academia by Kohei Horikoshi (next English volume expected March 2022)
  5. The Brown Sisters by Talia Hibbert
As for subject matter reading, I love doing Book Riot's Read Harder Challenge, even though last year it quickly became not my highest reading priority.
    Read Harder Challenges Completed: 22 of 24
    1. Read a book you've been intimidated to read
      • Dune by Frank Herbert
    2. Read a nonfiction book about anti-racism
    3. Read a non-European (graphic) novel in translation
    4. Read an LGBTQ+ history book
    5. Read a genre novel by an Indigenous, First Nations, or Native American author
    6. Read a fanfic
    7. Read a fat-positive romance
    8. Read a romance by a trans or nonbinary author
    9. Read a middle grade mystery
    10. Read a SFF anthology edited by a person of color
    11. Read a food memoir by an author of color
    12. Read a book of investigative nonfiction by an author of color
    13. Read a book with a cover you don't like
    14. Read a realistic YA book not set in the U.S., U.K., or Canada
    15. Read a memoir by a Latinx author
      • My Beloved World by Sonia Sotomayor
    16. Read an own voices book about disability
    17. Read an own voices YA book with a Black main character that isn't about Black pain
    18. Read a book by/about a non-Western world leader
    19. Read a historical fiction with a POC or LGBTQ+ protagonist
    20. Read a book of nature poems
    21. Read a children's book that centers a disabled character, but not their disability
    22. Read a book set in the Midwest
    23. Read a book that demystifies a common mental illness
    24. Read a book featuring a beloved pet, where the pet doesn't die
    I'll also continue reading about American Presidents and their families, but I'm not setting any quota for this year, and will record my progress on my Presidential Reading List entry.


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